The African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC) Secretariat celebrates YD Day today 14th November, urging Member States yet to join the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) to do so for more connectivity between African States.
AFCAC is the Executing Agency of the Yamoussoukro Decision which was adopted in Yamoussoukro, Cote d Ivoire on 14 November 1999 for the liberalization of access to air transport markets in Africa.
AFCAC aims to foster sustainable development of Air transport in Africa. Its objective also include facilitating, coordinating and ensuring the successful implementation of the Yamoussoukro Decision by supervising and managing Africa’s liberalized air transport industry, as well as encouraging the development of common African civil aviation policy, consumer protection among other regulatory functions.
Presently, twenty-seven Member States have signed the Solemn Commitment for the liberalization of the African skies otherwise referred to as the SAATM. The SAATM was launched in January 2018 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by African Heads of State.