Nimet Seeks Private Public Partnership

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The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) has called for a Public-Private Partnership in the area of Meteorological infrastructure.

Prof. Mansur Bako Matazu, DG/CEO of NiMet while speaking at the Brazil-Nigeria Aviation Trade Forum (AVIDEF 2021), said the Agency is seeking for partnership in the area of Meteorological infrastructures to close the gap in Meteorological deficiency.

Prof. Matazu who was represented by the Director of Finance and Accounts in the Agency, Mr Aliyu Sani, highlighted the importance of weather information as it concerns the economy. He said weather Information is not only critical for the growth of the country but also to avoid any adverse effects.

“If you partner with NiMet be sure of the return on investments in billions of naira, that I can assure you” he added.

AVIDEF 2021 is a forum organized by the Brazilian government to discuss ways in which aviation and security opportunities can be harnessed.

Highlights of the event include presentations by aviation and security experts, networking, interactive session and meetings with key Nigerian government agencies.

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