Euroairlines Group And Rwandair Sign Agreement For Worldwide Distribution Of Routes

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Euroairlines Group has signed an agreement with RwandAir to “improve the distribution of its more than 30 domestic and international routes.” Euroairlines says RwandAir will “benefit from the network of travel agencies, OTAs, aggregators and consolidators in more than 60 countries” that they will make available to them through their “IATA Q4-291 plate.”

According to Euroairlines CEO, Antonio López-Lázaro, the agreement will intensify and consolidate the already significant growth experienced by the African airline in recent years. “For us, southern Africa is an area with a lot of potential, which is why it is strategic to have such an established partner in the region as RwandAir”, says López-Lázaro. “Between the two companies, we can bring great value to each other to drive our growth, and our presence in more than 50 markets supports our distribution network”, she adds.

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