ASECNA Medal Of Honour

sysadm Magazine, Magazine - News

Mr. Mohamed Moussa, Director General, ASECNA, with Ms. Boni Dibate, Director, Aviation Professionals Africa Plate-Forme during the award of the ASECNA Medal of Honour for her contributions in aviation development in Africa in Lome, recently


The Director of Aviation Professionals Africa Plate-Forme, Ms. Boni Dibate, who was previously the Director Africa for Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO); the Director General of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA), Capt. Gilbert Kibe, and the Regional Officer, ICAO Western and Central Africa, Mr. Albert Taylor, were recently honoured by the Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA) with the medal of honour for their contributions to the growth of aviation in Africa and beyond.

The award took place at the 5th meeting of Air Navigation Service Providers in Africa in Lome, Togo in March, 2022. The Director Genral of ASECNA, Mr. Mohamed Moussa, emphasized the importance of improving air navigation services in Africa.

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